
[ChatScript] ChatScript - https://github.com/bwilcox-1234/ChatScript

Natural Language tool/dialog manager


Natural Language tool/dialog manager

ChatScript is the next generation chatbot engine that has won the Loebner's 4 times and is the basis for natural language company for a variety of tech startups.

ChatScript is a rule-based engine, where rules are created by humans writers in program scripts through a process called dialog flow scripting. These use a scripting metalanguage (simply called a "script") as their source code. Here what a ChatScript script file looks like:

# file: food.top
topic: ~food []

#! I like spinach
s: ( I like spinach ) Are you a fan of the Popeye cartoons?
	a: ( ~yes )  I used to watch him as a child. Did you lust after Olive Oyl?
    	    b: ( ~no ) Me neither. She was too skinny.
    	    b: ( yes ) You probably like skinny models.
	a: ( ~no ) What cartoons do you watch?
     		b: ( none ) You lead a deprived life.
     		b: ( Mickey Mouse ) The Disney icon.

#! I often eat chicken
u: ( ![ not never rarely ] I * ~ingest * ~meat ) You eat meat.

#! I really love chicken
u: ( !~negativeWords I * ~like * ~meat ) You like meat.

#! do you eat bacon?
?: ( do you eat _ [ ham eggs bacon] ) I eat '_0

#! do you like eggs or sushi?
?: ( do you like _* or _* ) I don't like '_0 so I guess that means I prefer '_1.

#! I adore kiwi.
s: ( ~like ~fruit ![~animal _bear] )  Vegan, you too...

#! do you eat steak?
?: ( do you eat _~meat ) No, I hate _0.

#! I eat fish.
s: ( I eat _*1 > ) 
  $food = '_0 
  I eat oysters.

Above example mentioned in article How to build your first chatbot using ChatScript.

Basic Features

  • Powerful pattern matching aimed at detecting meaning.
  • Simple rule layout combined with C-style general scripting.
  • Built-in WordNet dictionary for ontology and spell-checking.
  • Extensive extensible ontology of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.
  • Data as fact triples enables inferencing and supports JSON representation.
  • Rules can examine and alter engine and script behavior.
  • Planner capabilities allow a bot to act in real/virtual worlds.
  • Remembers user interactions across conversations.
  • Document mode allows you to scan documents for content.
  • Ability to control local machines via popen/tcpopen/jsonopen.
  • Ability to read structured JSON data from websites.
  • Postgres and Mongo databases support for big data or large-user-volume chatbots.

OS Features

  • Runs on Windows or Linux or Mac or iOS or Android
  • Fast server performance supports a thousand simultaneous users.
  • Multiple bots can cohabit on the same server.

Support Features

  • Mature technology in use by various parties around the world.
  • Integrated tools to support maintaining and testing large systems.
  • UTF8 support allows scripts written in any language
  • User support forum on chatbots.org
  • Issues or bugs on this repo

Getting started


Take this project and put it into some directory on your machine (typically we call the directory ChatScript, but you can name it whatever). That takes care of installation.

git clone https://github.com/bwilcox-1234/ChatScript

Standalone mode - run locally on a console (for developement/test)

From your ChatScript home directory, go to the BINARIES directory:


And run the ChatScript engine




./LinuxChatScript64 local

Note: to set the file executable: chmod a+x ./LinuxChatScript64


./MacChatScript local

This will cause ChatScript to load and ask you for a username. Enter whatever you want. You are then talking to the default demo bot Harry.

Server Mode (for production)

From your ChatScript home directory, go to the BINARIES directory and run the ChatScript engine as server

Run the server on Windows

ChatScript port=1024

Run the server on Linux


Run the server on MacOS


This will cause ChatScript to load as a server.
But you also need a client (to test client-server communication). You can run a separate command window and go to the BINARIES directory and type

Run a client (test) on Windows

ChatScript client=localhost:1024 

Run a client (test) on Linux

./LinuxChatScript64 client=localhost:1024

Run a client (test) on MacOS

./MacChatScript client=localhost:1024

This will cause ChatScript to load as a client and you can talk to the server.

How to build a bot

Run ChatScript locally. From the ChatScript command prompt, type

:build Harry

or whatever other preinstalled bot exists. If you have revised basic data, you can first:

:build 0

How to compile the engine.

On windows if you have Visual Studio installed, launch VS2010/chatscript.sln or VS2015/chatscript.sln and do a build. The result will go in the BINARIES directory.

On Linux, go stand in the SRC directory and type make server (assuming you have make and g++ installed). This creates BINARIES/ChatScript, which can run as a server or locally. There are other make choices for installing PostGres or Mongo.

Full Documentation

ChatScript Wiki (user guides, tutorials, papers)


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Last releases




[ChatScript] ChatScript start & stop

설치 디렉토리 에서  ./BINARIES/의 CHARSCRIPT 명령어 실행. 


Enter user name : 이름

한참 대화 후 종료할때 명령어. 



Exiting ChatScript via Quit



Scikit-Learn 을 이용한 전처리

문서 전처리 - Scikit-Learn 의 문서 전처리 기능 https://datascienceschool.net/view-notebook/3e7aadbf88ed4f0d87a76f9ddc925d69/



도서 카테고리 예측하기 프로젝트 #1 데이터 수집 및 전처리하기

 - http://www.sturdylad.co.kr/%EB%8F%84%EC%84%9C-%EC%B9%B4%ED%85%8C%EA%B3%A0%EB%A6%AC-%EC%98%88%EC%B8%A1%ED%95%98%EA%B8%B0-%ED%94%84%EB%A1%9C%EC%A0%9D%ED%8A%B8-%EB%8D%B0%EC%9D%B4%ED%84%B0%EC%A0%84%EC%B2%98%EB%A6%AC/

 도서 카테고리 예측하기 프로젝트 #2 데이터 학습 시키기

  - http://www.sturdylad.co.kr/%EB%8F%84%EC%84%9C-%EC%B9%B4%ED%85%8C%EA%B3%A0%EB%A6%AC-%EC%98%88%EC%B8%A1%ED%95%98%EA%B8%B0-%ED%94%84%EB%A1%9C%EC%A0%9D%ED%8A%B8-%EB%AA%A8%EB%8D%B8%ED%95%99%EC%8A%B5/

 도서 카테고리 예측하기 프로젝트 #3 생성된 모델로 텍스트 데이터 카테고리 예측해보기

 - http://www.sturdylad.co.kr/%EB%8F%84%EC%84%9C-%EC%B9%B4%ED%85%8C%EA%B3%A0%EB%A6%AC-%EC%98%88%EC%B8%A1%ED%95%98%EA%B8%B0-%ED%94%84%EB%A1%9C%EC%A0%9D%ED%8A%B8-%EC%98%88%EC%B8%A1%ED%95%98%EA%B8%B0/



6.2. 파일을 입맛대로(pickle, glob, os.path)

파일을 입맛대로 요리할 수 있도록 여러 가지 비법을 전수해드리지요. 먼저 조금 복잡한 자료를 파일에 쓰고 읽는 방법부터 알아봅시다. 이럴 때는 pickle(피클)이란 모듈을 사용합니다. 왜 피자 먹을 때 나오는 반찬을 이름으로 붙였는지…

예제로는 회원의 ID와 비밀번호를 파일에 저장하는 것을 생각해보았습니다.

>>> users = {'kim':'3kid9', 'sun80':'393948', 'ljm':'py90390'}
>>> f = open('d:/python21/exam/users.txt', 'w')
>>> import pickle
>>> pickle.dump(users, f)
>>> f.close()

처음에 ID와 비밀번호를 users라는 사전에 담았습니다. 그리고 users.txt라는 파일을 새로 열어서 f라고 했구요. 그 다음에는 오이지(pickle^^;) 모듈의 덤프(dump)를 사용했습니다.

여러분 덤프 트럭 다 아시죠? 왜 공사장에서 흙 싣고 다니는 무지 큰 트럭 있잖아요. 그런 차는 뒤쪽 짐칸을 들어올려서 흙을 와르르 쏟아내지 않습니까? 여기서 보시는 dump도 마찬가지입니다. users라는 리스트의 내용을 파일 f에 와르르 쏟아붓는 거지요. 음, 이렇게까지 설명할 필요는 없을 텐데… 오늘 쓸 것이 없다보니…

이제 메모장으로 users.txt 파일을 열어보시면 모양이 좀 지저분하긴 해도 데이터가 다 들어있는 걸 보실 수 있을 거예요.

그렇다면 이 파일에 들어있는 것을 원래대로 돌려볼까요? 원래대로 돌리는 것도 역시 오이지 모듈이 할 일이겠죠.

>>> f = open('d:/python21/exam/users.txt')
>>> a = pickle.load(f)
>>> print a
{'sun80': '393948', 'kim': '3kid9', 'ljm': 'py90390'}

사실 방금 보여드린 것은 그리 복잡할 것도 없지만 pickle 모듈은 파이썬에서 만들어지는 것은 뭐든지 다 파일에 적을 수 있다고 합니다. '그게 뭐 어때서'라고 생각하실지 모르겠지만 이건 놀라운 기능이라고 튜토리얼에 쓰여있습니다.

오이지는 이쯤 해두고, 전에 잠깐 구경했던 glob 모듈에 대해 알아보도록 하죠. glob는 파일들의 목록을 뽑을 때 사용하는데, 파일의 경로명을 이용해서 입맛대로 요리할 수 있답니다.

>>> import glob
>>> glob.glob('*.*')
['INSTALL.LOG', 'LICENSE.txt', 'NEWS.txt', 'py.ico', 'pyc.ico',
'pycon.ico', 'python.exe', 'pythonw.exe', 'readme.txt',
'UNWISE.EXE', 'w9xpopen.exe']
>>> glob.glob('*.txt')
['LICENSE.txt', 'NEWS.txt', 'readme.txt']

위의 별표(*)는 무슨 글자든, 몇 글자든 상관 없다는 뜻으로, 디렉토리(폴더)에 들어있는 파일들을 그냥 다 보려면 *.*라고 해주면 됩니다. 파일명에 상관 없이 확장자가 txt인 파일을 모두 보고 싶으면 *.txt라고 하면 되지요.

다음은 glob과 함께 os.path 모듈을 사용한 예제입니다.

>>> import os.path
>>> files = glob.glob('*')
>>> for x in files:
...     print x,
...     if os.path.isdir(x):                  # 디렉토리인가?
...             print '<DIR>'
...     else:
...             print ''

스크립트만 보고 어떤 일을 하는건지 짐작이 가시는지요?

둘째줄에서 glob.glob('*')를 해서 얻어진 파일 목록들을 files라는 리스트로 넣어줬습니다. 그 다음부터는 for 문을 통해서 파일명을 하나씩 출력한 다음 그것이 디렉토리이면 <DIR>이라고 출력해주고, 그렇지 않으면 그냥 줄만 넘겨주도록 했지요.



APM setpu시 80포트가 열려있다고 설치 안될때. 

제어판 > 관리 도구 > 서비스 > 아래의 서비스를 중지시킨다.

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SQL Server Reporting Services(MSSQLSERVER)

APMsetup download :  http://kldp.net/apmsetup/release/



[Window] command 창 프로그램 - ConEmu


About ConEmu 

ConEmu-Maximus5 is a Windows console emulator with tabs, which presents multiple consoles and simple GUI applications as one customizable GUI window with various features.

Initially, the program was created as a companion to Far Manager (FAR in Wikipedia), my favorite shell replacement - file and archive management, command history and completion, powerful editor.

Today, ConEmu can be used with any other console application or simple GUI tools (like PuTTY for example). ConEmu is an active project, open to suggestions.

Download ConEmu

Take a look at screencasts about ConEmu.

ConEmu screenshot

Votes and awards (vote for ConEmu, if you please).


ConEmu is not a shell, so it does not provide "shell features" like remote access, tab-completion, command history and others. ConEmu is advanced console window where you can run any shell of your choice. However, some of these features placed in RoadMap. Also you may try Clink for bash-style completion in cmd.exe and PSReadLine or PowerTab in powershell.exe.

Or even choose bash or any other unix-like shell from cygwinmsysgitmsys2mingw and others.


This project grew up from ConEmu by Zoin.


ConEmu starts a console program in a hidden console window, and provides an alternative customizable GUI window with various features:

  • smooth and friendly window resizing;
  • tabs for editors, viewers, panels and consoles;
  • run simple GUI apps like PuTTY in tabs;
  • Windows 7 Jump Lists and Progress on Taskbar buttons;
  • easily run old DOS applications (games) in Windows 7 or 64-bit OS;
  • thumbnails and tiles in Far Manager;
  • normal, maximized and full screen graphical window modes;
  • window font anti-aliasing: standard, ClearType, disabled;
  • window fonts: family, height, width, bold, italic, etc.;
  • Chinese versions of Windows supported;
  • using normal/bold/italic fonts for different parts of the console simultaneously;
  • using 24-bit colors in Far Manager 3.x;
  • ANSI X3.64 and Xterm 256 colors;
  • cursor: standard console (horizontal) or GUI (vertical);
  • optional per-application settings (e.g. palette);
  • vertical console buffer scrolling using the keyboard (BufferHeight mode);
  • show full output (1K+ lines) of last command in Far Manager's editor/viewer;
  • customizable Far Manager right click behaviour (long click opens context menu);
  • drag and drop (explorer style) of files and folders in Far Manager;
  • limited support of BDF fonts;
  • user friendly text and block selection;
  • transparency and desktop mode;
  • customizable starting tabs;
  • configurable and clickable status bar;
  • and more, and more... take a look at DocumentationSettings pages and What's New.

All settings are read from the registry or ConEmu.xml file (multiple named configurations are supported), after which the command line parameters are applied. Parameters /Config and /BufferHeight can only be specified on the command line. Most settings are configured using the Settings dialog, not from the command line.


  • Windows 2000 or later.


In general, ConEmu installation is easy. Just unpack or install to any folder and run `ConEmu.exe`.

For more information about installation options refer to Installation page.


[ChatScript]  ChatScript 를 Mac에 설치하기.

https://sourceforge.net/projects/chatscript/ 에서 다운받아서 설치. 

* 설치 설명 : http://exagen.tistory.com/42

맥에서 설치하면 기존 컴파일이 안되기 때문에 다른 방법이 필요함. 실행파일이 바이너리라 별도 작업 필요. 

폴더에 압축을 풀거나 직접 github에서 cloing을 한 후에는 src를 SRC로 컴파일해야합니다.

예제 / 기본 명령 줄 컴파일은 NON-WINDOWS NON-C / MAC / MacCompile.sh에 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 해당 디렉토리의 compile-on-osx.html을 읽으십시오.

mac install & run  참조 : https://github.com/bwilcox-1234/ChatScript/blob/master/WIKI/OVERVIEWS-AND-TUTORIALS/ChatScript-on-a-Mac.md



Install curl on Mac OSX

About the App

  • App name: curl
  • App description: Get a file from an HTTP HTTPS or FTP server
  • App websitehttp://curl.haxx.se/

Install the App

  1. Press Command+Space and type Terminal and press enter/return key.
  2. Run in Terminal app:
    ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null
    and press enter/return key. Wait for the command to finish.
  3. Run:
    brew install curl

Done! You can now use curl.


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