
Comic.js: Cartoon style drawing for HTML5 Canvas and more


Comic.js is a JavaScript library that lets you create cartoon-style drawings for HTML5 Canvas, Raphael.js, D3.js, and SVG.js. You can use it either for drawing comic style shapes or for cartoonizing an already existing SVG.


Cartoon style drawing for HTML5 Canvas & Raphael.js & D3.js & SVG.js


Javascript library that acts as plugin for Raphael.js, D3.js, SVG.js or as lib for the HTML5 Canvas, providing functions for cartoon style drawing.

Provides either methods for drawing comic style shapes (cEllipse, cLine, cRect, ...) or the magic method for cartoonizing an already existing SVG. When using the magic method or drawing on a canvas no further libraries are required.


Cartoonized D3 examples: D3 Cartoonized!

Cartoon R widget built by Kent Russell using comic.js: R Cartoonized!

Raphael.js, D3.js, SVG.js, Canvas,

using "magic": on images, on drawings










Jump.js is a modern, dependency-free smooth scrolling library. It’s easy to use and was built with a modern JavaScript workflow in mind.



Unslider 2.0: An ultra-simple jQuery slider


The simplest jQuery slider there is. http://unslider.com


The easiest way to get a simple slider up and running in seconds. All you need is some valid markup, jQuery and some extra CSS, and Unslider can do the rest.

Check the docs out: http://unslider.com


Unslider (now in version 2.0) is a super simple jQuery carousel/image slider. It has a variety of options available, including animation, a totally manual option, infinite sliders, and more.





Comic.js: Cartoon style drawing for HTML5 Canvas and more



Javascript library that acts as plugin for Raphael.js, D3.js, SVG.js or as lib for the HTML5 Canvas, providing functions for cartoon style drawing.

Provides either methods for drawing comic style shapes (cEllipse, cLine, cRect, ...) or the magic method for cartoonizing an already existing SVG. When using the magic method or drawing on a canvas no further libraries are required.


screenshot screenshot




Cartoonized D3 examples: D3 Cartoonized!


Cartoon R widget built by Kent Russell using comic.js: R Cartoonized!

Raphael.js, D3.js, SVG.js, Canvas,


using "magic": on images, on drawings

















A simple HTML5 media player http://plyr.io



Plyr is a simple HTML5 media player that offers WebVTT captions. It’s lightweight, accessible, and customizable, and works with all modern browsers.


Checkout the demo.


Image of Plyr


We wanted a lightweight, accessible and customisable media player that just supports modern browsers. Sure, there are many other players out there but we wanted to keep things simple, using the right elements for the job.


  • Accessible - full support for VTT captions and screen readers.
  • Lightweight - just 8KB minified and gzipped.
  • Customisable - make the player look how you want with the markup you want.
  • Semantic - uses the right elements. <input type="range"> for volume and <progress> for progress and well, <button>s for buttons. There's no <span> or <a href="#"> button hacks.
  • Responsive - as you'd expect these days.
  • Audio & Video - support for both formats.
  • Embedded Video - support for YouTube (Vimeo soon).
  • API - toggle playback, volume, seeking, and more.
  • Fullscreen - supports native fullscreen with fallback to "full window" modes.
  • i18n support - support for internationalization of controls.
  • No dependencies - written in vanilla JavaScript, no jQuery required.

Oh and yes, it works with Bootstrap.

















Gridlex: Flexbox grid system

Gridlex is a simple flexbox grid system. There are three different ways to use it: the basic way where you add a class; the precise, cell-by-cell way; or the automatic, where you just tell it how many cells you want in the grid.


Just a Flexbox Grid System

v. 2.0.5

The concept is simple: you need to wrap your .col in a .grid.

What can we expect?

  • Basically each column is the same width as every other cell in the grid.
  • But you can add sizing classes to individual columns.
  • For responsive designs, you can add classes based on media-queries.
  • Top, bottom, or middle. For the grid. And for the columns.
  • Grids can be nested. Always. Directly in a column.

Less, Sass, CSS?

I just wanna use it in my page!

To use Gridlex out of the box, call the gridlex.css or gridlex.min.css file in your project :



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