


Are you a JS ninja? Would you like to become superhero, fight evil, and change the way web apps are written? Awesome, because we are hiring!

HTML enhanced for web apps!


Why AngularJS?

HTML is great for declaring static documents, but it falters when we try to use it for declaring dynamic views in web-applications. AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application. The resulting environment is extraordinarily expressive, readable, and quick to develop.


Other frameworks deal with HTML’s shortcomings by either abstracting away HTML, CSS, and/or JavaScript or by providing an imperative way for manipulating the DOM. Neither of these address the root problem that HTML was not designed for dynamic views.


AngularJS is a toolset for building the framework most suited to your application development. It is fully extensible and works well with other libraries. Every feature can be modified or replaced to suit your unique development workflow and feature needs. Read on to find out how.


The Basics 

Add Some Control 







인터랙티브한 HTML 파일 만들기에 익숙하신 분이라면 iBooks Author에 넣기 간편하기 때문에.. 웹디자이너에 대한 수요가 더 커질 것 같습니다. Adobe Edge나 Sencha Animator를 이용해서 만들고 그 HTML 파일을 아이북스 아서에 넣기만 하면 영상과 같이 제작이 가능하네요.


Welcome to the Unicode Symbol Map (☆USM★) info page




Welcome to the Unicode Symbol Map (☆USM★) info page

☆USM★ is a browser bookmarklet that pulls up expressive characters for easy copy & paste of all those crazy unicode symbols that people love to include in their emails and blog posts.

I designed this tool as a bookmarklet to find characters fast for quick messages or status updates. If you want to add it, just drag this link to ☆USM★ up to your bookmark bar or right click it and choose "Add to Favorites".


How to use: To copy and paste a symbol simply click on the symbol you want. It will be selected and copied to your clipboard.
Troubleshooting: Note that on older systems not all the symbols might be available - you can download arialuni.ttf and copy it to your C:\Windows\Fonts directory; after restarting your browser you should be fine.
Symbols: The drop-down menu lets you choose symbols from the categories:
  • most wanted symbols: "☺", "☻", "✌", "✍", "✎", "✉", "☀", "☃", "☁", "☂", "★", "☆", "☮", "☯", "〠", "☎", "☏", "♕", "❏", "☐", "☑", "☒", "✓", "✗", "¢", "€", "£", "❤", "❣", "❦", "♣", "♤", "♥", "♦", "♧", "►", "❝", "❞", "☜", "☝", "☞", "☟", "☚", "☛", "☹", "త", "☣", "☠"
  • more symbols: "✑", "✒", "÷", "‰", "√", "≠", "∞", "❛", "❜", "™", "©", "®", "✄", "✁", "✂", "✇", "✿", "❀", "“", "”", "„", "‟", "«", "»", "♪", "♫", "…", "◆", "◇", "✣", "✪", "✰", "✧", "✦", "☔", "☕", "☼", "☾", "❆", "❅", "❄", "✵", "♲", "♻", "♿", "⚅", "⚑", "⚐"
  • arrows: "←", "↑", "→", "↓", "↔", "↕", "⇄", "⇅", "↲", "↳", "↴", "↵", "↶", "↷", "↺ ", "↻", "➔", "➘", "➙", "➚", "➜", "➟", "➠", "➤", "➥", "➨", "➫", "➬", "➭", "➮", "➯", "➲", "➳", "➵", "➶", "➷", "➸", "➹", "➺", "➻", "➼", "➽", "➾", "◀", "▶", "◁", "▷", "◊"
  • other symbols: "⚒", "⚓", "⚔", "⚕", "⚘", "⚖", "⚛", "⚚", "⚠", "⚡", "♀", "♂", "⚢", "⚣", "⚤", "⚰", "⚱", "☢", "☤", "✝", "☦", "☧", "☨", "☩", "☪", "☭", "♈", "♉", "♊", "♋", "♌", "♍", "♎", "♏", "♐", "♑", "♒", "♓", "⌚", "⌛", "⌨", "⏎", "✈", "♨", "☸", "⚭", "⚮", "⚯"
  • mathematical: "∧", "∨", "∀", "∃", "∄", "¬", "∆", "∇", "∈", "∉", "∋", "∌", "∩", "∪", "⊂", "⊃", "⊄", "⊅", "⊆", "⊇", "∏", "∑", "Ω", "×", "±", "÷", "∅", "∗", "∙", "∂", "√", "∛", "∜", "∝", "∞", "∁", "∟", "∠", "∡", "∢", "∥", "∦", "⊕", "⊗", "≤", "≥", "≪", "≫"
  • mathematical 2: "∫", "∬", "∭", "∮", "∯", "∰", "∱", "∲", "∳", "∴", "∵", "∻", "∼", "∽", "∾", "≀", "≁", "≈", "≂", "≃", "≅", "≡", "≢", "≣", "≉", "≊", "≋", "≌", "≍", "≎", "≏", "≐", "≑", "≒", "≓", "≖", "≗", "≘", "≙", "≚", "≛", "≜", "≝", "≞", "≟", "≠", "⊧", "⊥"
  • mathematical 3: "¹", "²", "³", "⁴", "⁵", "ⁱ", "⁺", "⁻", "⁼", "⁽", "⁾", "ⁿ", "ℕ", "ℝ", "ℚ", "ℙ", "ℂ", "ℤ", "½", "¼", "¾", "α", "β", "γ", "δ", "ε", "ζ", "η", "θ", "λ", "μ", "ξ", "ω", "Φ", "Ψ", "⊨", "⊭", "⊻", "⊼", "⊽", "⋅", "⅀", "⌀", "⌈", "⌉", "⌊", "⌋", "ₓ"
  • mixed symbols: "♔", "♕", "♖", "♗", "♘", "♙", "♚", "♛", "♜", "♝", "♞", "♟", "℗", "♭", "♮", "♯", "♩", "☊", "♒", "☄", "✆", "ꁚ", "ꀪ", "ꀎ", "ꂔ", "℅", "℆", "℀", "℁", "№", "℮", "✜", "☇", "☈", "☉", "❖", "❶", "❷", "❸", "☘", "⌖", "ℹ", "⚀", "⚁", "⚂", "⚃", "⚄", "⚅"
  • international: "¡", "¿", "Á", "á", "À", "à", "Å", "å", "Ä", "ä", "Æ", "æ", "Ç", "ç", "É", "é", "È", "è", "Í", "í", "Ì", "ì", "Î", "î", "Ñ", "ñ", "Ó", "ó", "Ò", "ò", "Ô", "ô", "Ö", "ö", "Ø", "ø", "Ú", "ú", "Ù", "ù", "Ü", "ü", "Ž", "ž", "ß", "¥", "€", "£"


This is the Unicode Symbol Map Bookmarklet at http://panmental.de/symbols/info.htm.
I do not guarantee the correctness/adequateness of the script or the information given on this side and thus deny any responsibility for your use of it.
Johannes Knabe (jknabe@panmental.de)
My Homepage is http://panmental.de










50 Most Useful jQuery Plugins from 2012

Topics]Javascript / jQuery / Web DesignAuthor]


With hundreds upon hundreds (if not thousands) of new plugins being released this year – what a great jQuery year it has been. From that colossal total we have worked really hard filtering down all of the those plugins to bring you the 50 that we feel are the most innovative, most ground-breaking and, more importantly, the most useful.

Last year, we gave you a roundup of the top 50 jQuery plugins from 2011. And today, we have put together the top jQuery plugins of this year, that is, 2012.

We have split all of the plugins into the following categories: Web Page Layout Plugins, Navigation Plugins, Form Plugins, Slider & Carousel Plugins, Chart & Graph Plugins, Image Effect Plugins, Video Plugins, and finally, everything else in-between. And mixed in with all of that you will find plenty of plugins that will help with your responisve layouts.

Web Page Layout Plugins



equalize.js is a useful jQuery plugin for equalizing the height or width of any element.

equalize.js →



Freetile will organize your content in an efficient, dynamic and responsive layout. It can be applied to a container element and it will arrange it's children in a layout that makes optimal use of screen space, by "packing" them in tightly.

Freetile.js →



Gridster is a plugin thathelps you build intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns. You can even dynamically add and remove elements from the grid.

gridster.js →



Zoomooz.js is an easy-to-use plugin for making any web page element zoom. It supports 3D transformations, hides elements that are not shown while transforming, can have kinetic scrolling and eve works in Internet Explorer.

Zoomooz.js →



Wookmark is a plugin for creating a dynamic, multi-column layouts. It lays out a series of elements in a dynamic column grid.

Wookmark →

jQuery HiddenPosition

jQuery HiddenPosition

jQuery HiddenPosition is a plugin that lets you position any element to any element, even if they are hidden. This plugin works like the position plugin from jQuery UI, except for the addition of also being able to work with hidden elements.

jQuery HiddenPosition →



Stellar.js is a jQuery plugin that provides parallax scrolling effects to any scrolling element.

Stellar.js →



turn.js is a ightweight (only 15K) plugin for jQuery that adds a beautiful transition similar to real pages in a book or magazine for HTML5. It will work on tablets and smartphones.

turn.js →

Responsive Measure

Responsive Measure

Responsive Measure is a simple script that allows you to pass in a selector (ideally the container where your primary content will go) which generates the ideal font size needed to produce the ideal measure for your text.

Responsive Measure →

jQuery Scroll Path

jQuery Scroll Path

jQuery Scroll Path is a plugin that lets you define your own custom scroll path. It uses canvas flavored syntax for drawing paths, using the methods moveTo, lineTo and arc. To help with getting the path right, a canvas overlay with the path can be enabled when initating the plugin.

jQuery Scroll Path →

Navigation Plugins



HorizontalNav →



stickyMojo is a lightweight, fast and flexible sticky sidebar plugin. It is and compatible with Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and IE8+ and will degrade gracefully in older versions of IE.

stickyMojo →



ddSlick is lightweight plugin that allows you to create a custom drop down with images and descriptions.

ddSlick →

jQuery Collapse

jQuery Collapse

jQuery Collapse delivers an accessible and lightweight solution to a widely adopted interface pattern (known as progressive disclosure). It includes features like cookie persistence, ARIA compliance, and is designed to be flexible and modular enough to be used in many different scenarios.

jQuery Collapse →

jQuery Accordion

jQuery Accordion

The idea behind Akordeon is to provide a lightweight and customizable interface for collapsible panels that can hold any kind of data in a limited space.

jQuery Accordion →

Form Plugins

jQuery Complexify

jQuery Complexify

Complexify helps your users accurately gauge the quality of their password and then give them visual feedback to enforce a minimum level of security.

jQuery Complexify →

jQuery File Upload

jQuery File Upload

jQuery File Upload is a file upload widget with multiple file selection, drag & drop support, progress bars and preview images.

jQuery File Upload →

jQuery Credit Card Validator

jQuery Credit Card Validator

The jQuery Credit Card Validator detects and validates credit card numbers. It’ll tell you the detected credit card type and whether the number length and Luhn checksum are valid for the type of card.

jQuery Credit Card Validator →



Filtrify is an advanced tag filtering plugin. You can search tags within tags and filter items by multiple tags from different categories and get live feedback on the number of items containing related tags.

Filtrify →



Mailcheck is a jQuery plugin that suggests the right domain when your users misspell an email address.

mailcheck →

Slider & Carousel Plugins

Responsive Carousel

Responsive Carousel

responsive-carousel is a carousel script that will work with mouse, touch, and keyboard. The default package includes the slide/drag transition that you can apply by adding a data attribute and including some additional CSS. There are also other extensions available within the source folder, such as flip and fade transitions, autoplay, keyboard handling, pagination, and more.

Responsive Carousel →



iosSlider is a jQuery plugin for a responsive, customizable and cross-browser content slider. It can be used as a content slider, carousel, scrolling website banner, or an image gallery.

iosSlider →



RSlider is a full screen responsive image and content slider. With a nice and simple design it will adjust automatically to the width of your browser.

RSlider →



Fresco is a responsive lightbox plugin. It can be used to create stunning overlays that work great at any screen size, in all browsers on every device. It comes with fullscreen zoom, retina-ready skins, Youtube and Vimeo integration for HTML5 video and a powerful Javascript API.

Fresco →

BookBlock: A Content Flip Plugin

BookBlock: A Content Flip Plugin

BookBlock is a jQuery plugin that can be used for creating booklet-like components that allow a "page flip" navigation. Any content can be used, such as images or text.

BookBlock: A Content Flip Plugin →



Adaptor is a lightweight content slider that offers a simple interface to create cool 2D or 3D slide animation transitions. Currently, there is only 3D support for webkit and Firefox, all other browsers will fallback gracefully to a simple fade transition.

Adaptor →



rcarousel is a jQuery UI continuous carousel with some cool features. It is highly customizable and supports even older browsers (Not IE6 though).

rcarousel →



Rhinoslider is a flexible multiple effects slider/slideshow. It can be used as a simple fading or sliding jQuery slideshow or as a rich effects jQuery slider.

Rhinoslider →



"Sequence is a slider plugin with infinite style." It provides the complete functionality for a website slider without forcing you to use a set theme. In fact, Sequence has no in-built theme.

Sequence.js →



Glisse.js is a simple, responsive and fully customizable jQuery photo viewer.

Glisse.js →



µslider is a jQuery content slider plugin. It’s very easy to use because it only has a few essential options that can be configured straightforwardly.

µslider →



ResponsiveSlides.js is a tiny jQuery plugin that creates a responsive slideshow using images inside a single container.

ResponsiveSlides.js →

Chart & Graph Plugins



Morris.js is a lightweight library that uses jQuery and Raphaël to make drawing time-series graphs easy.

Morris.js →

jQuery Org Chart

jQuery Org Chart

jQuery OrgChart is a plugin that allows you to render structures with nested elements in a easy-to-read tree structure.

jQuery Org Chart →

Web Typography Plugins



Bacon is a jQuery plugin that allows you to wrap text around a bezier curve or a line.

Bacon →



Textualizer is a cool plugin that allows you to transition through blurbs of text.

Textualizer →



slabText is a jQuery plugin that splits headlines into rows before resizing each row to fill the available horizontal space.

slabText →



trunk8 is a text truncation plugin to jQuery. When applied to a large block of text, it will cut off just enough text to prevent it from spilling over.

trunk8 →

Image Effect Plugins



tiltShift.js is an awesome jQuery plugin that uses the CSS3 image filters to replicate the tilt-shift effect.

tiltShift.js →

jQuery Picture

jQuery Picture

jQuery Picture is a plugin that adds support for responsive images to your web pages. It supports both figure elements with some custom data attributes.

jQuery Picture →



ImageMapster lets you activate HTML image maps without using Flash. It works just about everywhere that Javascript does, including modern browsers, Internet Explorer 6, and mobile devices like iPads, iPhones and Androids.

ImageMapster →

Responsive Img

Responsive Img

Responsive Img is a jQuery plugin that swaps an image’s src attribute based on its container’s width when the DOM is ready and when the browser is resized. Using a PHP file, Responsive Img creates new images on the fly the first time they’re needed and puts them on your server. Therefore, you can add Responsive Img to any site, without creating new images.

Responsive Img →



Backstretch is a simple plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized background image to any page.

Backstretch →

And all the rest…

jQuery Transit

jQuery Transit

jQuery Transit creates super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery.

jQuery Transit →



noty is a jQuery notification plugin that lets you easily create alert, success, error and confirmation messages.

noty →

jQuery Map Marker

jQuery Map Marker

The jQuery Map Marker Plugin makes it easy to put multiple markers on a map using Google Map API V3.

jQuery Map Marker →



jHERE is a lightweight (only 4kb &# 1.95kb Gzipped) jQuery plugin that allows you to easily add interactive maps to your website. You get a powerful map API, highly customizable markers, event handling and info bubbles and comes with KML support and data visualization via heatmaps.


jQuery Vector Maps

jQuery Vector Maps

JQVMap is a jQuery plugin that uses resizable Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) to renders vector maps. It works in all modernern browsers and legacy support for older versions of IE 6-8 is provided via VML.

jQuery Vector Maps →



SocialCount is a lightweight (2.93KB after Min+GZip) and easy to use jQuery plugin for progressively enhanced, lazy loaded, mobile friendly social networking widgets. It currently supports Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

SocialCount →



Tooltipster is a lightweight and easy to style jQuery plugin that helps you easily create clean HTML5 validated tooltips.

Tooltipster →



BigVideo.js makes it easy to add fit-to-fill background video to your website. It can play silent ambient background video, or a series of videos. you can also use it to show large background images.

BigVideo.js →



Calendario is an experimental jQuery plugin for trying out some grid layouts that can be applied to calendars. The aim is to provide a suitable layout for both, small and big screens and keeping the calendar structure fluid when possible.

Allofthelights.js →


50 Best Responsive Web Design Toolbox




We all know that smart-phones, Androids, iPhones and Tablets are gaining popularity like anything. Thanks to their popularity, responsive website designing is not only getting popular but also very important. Since websites are being accessed via mobiles on a larger scale, more and more web owners are turning towards responsive web designing. Web developers and designers who can design responsive websites are earning intensely. To support the entire process of responsive website designing and development, a lot of web design tools have been introduced. We should definitely thank those developers who are talented enough to design these tools and make things easier for other developers.

50 Useful Responsive Web Design Tools For Designers

In this article, we have compiled 50 of the most useful responsive web design tools which can help developers in building a responsive design toolbox. This collection of responsive web design tools will help you a lot with your entrance in the field of responsive designing. The tools have been categorized for you to understand the tools and their functionality.

Grid & Frameworks

Let’s start with Grid & Framework tools.


Columnal is a great tool for making your grids flexible. So, when your grids are flexible your window will be resized with ease. This is a project of Pulp+Pixels having a pinch of cssgrid.net and code inspiration from 960.gs.



This tool is popular among designers and developers because it is simple and efficient to use. This tool basically prevails CSS framework so you will get a neat and easy documentation and the best part is, no Javascript here.


LessFramework 4

With LessFramework 4, responsive web development gets a lot easier. This is basically based on CSS media queries.

3. LessFramework 4

Semantic Grid System

This tool is basically meant to design grid layouts for responsive web sites. In order to give you the maximum proficiency, the Semantic Grid System uses pre-processed CSS extensions like LESS, SCSS or Stylus. Also, it gives developers an option to select widths and deal with pixels.

4. Semantic Grid System

Golden Grid System

This is best for beginners and with Golden Grid System you can make your web pages look good with pixels from 240 to 2560.

Golden Grid System

320 and Up

This is again a beginner’s guide or a template for responsive website. It is basically a CSS media queries boilerplate and is quite different in comparison to other boilerplates.

320 and Up


The best part of Inuit.CSS is that it is very convenient for users. It is quite to the point but supports plugins for more help.



This is a boilerplate which helps users in developing responsive websites with extraordinary typography. Gridless is great for newbies.

Grid Set

1140 CSS Grid

This grid system is designed by Melbourne designer Andy Taylor and the basic purpose of this tool is to make your design adaptable to various resolutions.

1140 CSS Grid

1KB CSS Grid

Tyler Tate takes the credit for this tool. With this you can set the number of columns.



Bootstrap has a huge number of free UI elements, layouts, Javascript tools for users’ to download and they can be utilized in various responsive designing projects.


Fluid Grid Calculator

This is indeed a simple tool with a simple functionality. You can easily seize the CSS of your fluid grid website design.

Fluid Grid Calculator

Fluid Grids

This will help you in creating responsive layouts with 6-16 columns.

Fluid Grids


This is a great tool and indeed a useful one. It is a cross-browser CSS grid framework with up to 16 columns.


Grid Set

This will help you in making grids of all kinds. Mark Boulton has introduced the beta version but it is a good one.

Grid Set


This is an online grid generator which helps user with the number of columns, padding, and gutter. Apart from this, user can also add custom breakpoints. The best part is that with Gridpak, you can download PNG grid templates.



As the name suggests, it is pretty simple and is developed by Michael Kuhn.



Sassy is another form of the Semantic Grid System.


Tiny Fluid Grid

This is an excellent web app which can accommodate you in determining the grid system of your website in an interactive way.

Tiny Fluid Grid

Variable Grid System

This is based on 960 grid system and allows user to design customized grids.

Variable Grid System

Sketch Sheets & Wireframes

Responsive Web Design SketchSheets

This tool makes mapping out and placements of the elements a lot easier.

Responsive Web Design SketchSheets

Responsive Wireframes

Built with HTML and CSS, this tool will help you in visualizing your responsive website.

Responsive Wireframes


It also helps you in analyzing how your website will look like.


JavaScript & JQuery Plugins


This is a great alternative to CSS media queries. This is basically a small javascript library.



This is a jQuery plugin useful for designing responsive websites. It helps in the rearrangement of elements on resizing.



With this you can create adaptive responsive layouts. It also helps in rearrangement of the elements.



The main purpose of this script is to make your responsive website compatible for browsers like IE wo do not support CSS3 media queries.



This helps developers in creating small drop downs for long lists.


Wookmark JQuery Plugin

This is a great tool and functions to detect the size of the browser and fits the elements accordingly.

Wookmark JQuery Plugin

Pages: 1 2

About the author

Humaira Sajawal is a competent, dynamic and highly motivated creative writer. She loves to write on variety of subjects as writing is her passion! She is also a great fan of reading.

Twitter Visit author website
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Mobilizing websites with responsive design and HTML5





This is a blog post series tutorial for adapting your existing websites for mobile devices without building a separate mobile site. It shows, with examples, how with little changes in your HTML, CSS and Javascript code you can deliver much nicer user experience for small screen and mobile devices. You can make existing HTML designs more mobile friendly with selective CSS loading and HTML5 tags. Selective CSS loading with CSS3 media queries allow you to change layout depending on the browser screen size: this kind of layout is called responsive design.

The tutorial is divided to several, functionality specific, blog posts, each with screenshot examples, explanations and links for more in-depth information.

The tutorial was written in a conjunction with a consulting project for a Finnish public sector organization. As the one of the funding sources is Finnish tax money, including some of my very own pennies, it was a common interest to get the information born in the consultation project published.

Below is an example what one can accomplish.

The site landing page before any mobilization was done; the site is using the default desktop styles on mobile devices:

The site after HTML and CSS adjustments:

1. Prerequisites

Prerequisites for understanding this tutorial are

2. Table of contents

The tutorial contents is outlined below. I’ll keep linking to new blog posts as I finish writing them. Stay tuned, by following the RSS feed or Twitter.

Published at DZone with permission of Mikko Ohtamaa, author and DZone MVB. (source)

(Note: Opinions expressed in this article and its replies are the opinions of their respective authors and not those of DZone, Inc.)

The HTML5 Zone is brought to you with the partnership of Microsoft and includes content on HTML5, CSS3, SVG, and Other Emerging Web Standards or JavaScript technologies that improve the web as a platform for application development.

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단, 전각문자 백슬래쉬는, 진짜 백슬래시 즉 반각문자 백슬래쉬와는 코드 번호가 다릅니다. 모양은 같지만, 컴퓨터는 전각 백슬래쉬를 백슬래쉬로 인식하지 못하는 경우가 대부분입니다. 따라서 "\" 이것을 워드프로세서 문서 속에서 사용한다든지 하는 것은 괜찮지만, 프로그래밍 등에서 진짜 백슬래쉬 대신으로 사용하면 안됩니다.


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