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SELECT 에서 중첩 서브쿼리 또는 스칼라 서브 쿼리에서는 order by 를 사용하지 못한다. 


하지만, TOP-N  ~ ORDER BY 는 사용가능하다. 

             , USER_NAME
          FROM USERS
       ) A

그냥 order by 는 사용할 수 없다고 나오지만, TOP-N을 사용하면 order by  가 가능하다. 


그래서, 전체를 호출하고 싶다면 전체 개수 만큼 TOP-N 을 지정해주면 된다. 





트위터, 직원 보너스 절반 줄이고 긴축 경영 돌입




트위터, 직원 보너스 절반 줄이고 긴축 경영 돌입

트위터가 임직원 보너스 절반을 줄이며 긴축경영에 돌입한다고 19일(현지시간) 뉴욕타임스(NYT) 등 복수 외신은 보도했다. 광고 수익 불확실성과 일론 머스크 테슬라 최고경영...



트위터가 임직원 보너스 절반을 줄이며 긴축경영에 돌입한다고 19일(현지시간) 뉴욕타임스(NYT) 등 복수 외신은 보도했다. 광고 수익 불확실성과 일론 머스크 테슬라 최고경영자(CEO)의 인수 파기 결정 등이 영향을 끼쳤다.

네드 시걸 트위터 최고재무책임자(CFO)는 재정 상태가 악화한 상태로, 연례 보너스를 줄이는 방안을 타개책으로 모색하고 있다고 임직원들에게 이메일을 보냈다. NYT는 익명의 트위터 직원 2명이 받은 메일 내용을 인용해 보도한 것으로 확인됐다.

회사 재무 구조가 나빠진 건 최근 글로벌 경기 침체와 러시아의 우크라이나 침공으로 광고주들이 지출을 줄인 점, 아울러 머스크의 트위터 인수 철회 결정 등이 원인으로 꼽힌다. 

일론 머스크 테슬라 최고경영자

올 초 머스크는 트위터를 440억달러(약 59조원)에 사들이겠다고 합의했지만, 가짜계정 정보 수치 등을 문제로 계약을 파기했다. 현재 트위터는 머스크를 상대로 계약 강제 이행을 요구하는 소송을 제기했다. 미국 델라웨어법원은 10월 17~21일 닷새간 재판을 진행한다.


  • HBO Max는 직원의 14%에 해당하는 70개의 일자리를 해고하고 있습니다.
  • 삭감은 4월에 Discovery가 WarnerMedia를 인수한 후 비용을 줄이기 위한 더 큰 Warner Bros. Discovery 노력의 일부입니다.
  • HBO Max와 Discovery+는 내년에 하나의 스트리밍 서비스로 통합됩니다.



HBO Max cuts 14% of staff, or 70 employees, mainly in casting, acquisitions and reality TV divisions

The cuts are part of a larger Warner Bros. Discovery effort to reduce costs.


Warner Bros. Discovery is eliminating 70 jobs at HBO Max, primarily from the division’s reality, casting and acquisitions departments, according to people familiar with the matter.

The job cuts, which amount to 14% of staff at the streamer, are part of a larger effort at Warner Bros. Discovery to eliminate overlap as HBO Max and Discovery+ come together as one streaming service. Discovery closed on its $43 billion acquisition of WarnerMedia in April. Chief Executive Officer David Zaslav has promised $3 billion in synergies from the merger.


Many of the employees who lost their jobs were members of teams that had been led by former HBO Max chief content officer Kevin Reilly that no longer fit within the new structure of Warner Bros. Discovery, two of the people said. Reilly left the company in 2020.

Zaslav is combining HBO Max and Discovery+ to form a new streaming service that will launch in the U.S. in mid-2023. Discovery will provide the reality programming for that product, making HBO Max’s reality division unnecessary, the people said. HBO also frequently works directly with casting directors, rather than using internal people, and has phased out many of its so-called pay-one deals, in which it acquires licensed films — work done by its acquisitions department.

Other departments affected include business affairs, programming and production, one of the people said.

No shows will be canceled as part of the job cuts, the people said. The job cuts aren’t targeted at HBO Max’s scripted series or films.

An HBO Max spokesperson declined to comment.

WATCH: Streaming is hard when you’re levered as much as Warner Bros. Discovery, says analyst


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디즈니, 넷플릭스 구독자 넘었다 : 6월말 기준 디즈니의 구독자 수(2억2110만)가 넷플릭스의 구독자(2억2067만)를 넘었다는 분석이 나왔어요. 넷플릭스의 직접적인 라이벌인 디즈니플러스가 넘은 것은 아니고 ESPN+, 훌루 등 디즈니의 모든 구독서비스 합산. 다만 디즈니는 향후 구독자 전망치를 줄이기도 했어요.




Disney’s Streaming Services Passed Netflix In Total Subscriptions – Update

UPDATED with subscription vs. subscriber clarification: Walt Disney’s total DTC subscriptions all in totaled 221.1 million for the company’s fiscal third quarter ended in June. That was…


Disney’s Streaming Services Passed Netflix In Total Subscriptions – Update

UPDATED with subscription vs. subscriber clarification: Walt Disney’s total DTC subscriptions all in totaled 221.1 million for the company’s fiscal third quarter ended in June. That was a big beat for Disney+ and its parent.

It also passed Netflix in total subscriptions. That streamer noted today that subscriptions and subscribers are not apples to apples. Netflix most recently reported 220.67 million total global subscribers. The main difference is Netflix doesn’t have bundles,.

Disney counts subscribers to SVOD bundles as one for each service included. (As in, subscribers to Hulu Live TV + SVOD offerings are counted as one each for Hulu Live TV + SVOD, Disney+ and ESPN+.) “When we aggregate the total number of paid subscribers across our DTC streaming services, we refer to them as paid subscriptions,” Disney’s earnings release says.


Disney’s numbers include Disney+ (152M), ESPN+ (22.8M) and Hulu total, including Live TV, at (46.2M).

Disney will shed some subscribers down the line after losing a bidding war for streaming cricket rights in India, where a big chunk of Disney+ subs are based.

So the numbers may shift but ebb and flow shows just how volatile the streaming business is.

Netflix, the established leader, set off a wave of jitters with an unexpected loss of 200,000 subscribers in the first quarter of 2022 and warned of a potentially steeper loss for the following quarter of up to 2 million. When it came out with loss of just under 1 million subs — about 970,000 — that was viewed in part as a victory. It was the biggest sub loss in the company’s history (saved in part by fourth season of Stranger Things that was released in May).

The Reed Hastings and Ted Sarandos-led giant is also in the process of rolling out a ad-supported streaming tier.

Media stocks rallied today along with broader markets. Disney is up nearly 5% and Netflix is flat in after-market trading. Disney announced its quarterly numbers just after market close.


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