
15 Responsive jQuery Navigation Plugins




Constructing a responsive website is not at all any easy task however; the most difficult part is preparation and coding of responsive website’s navigation. Unfortunately, as of now we do not have a universal solution for this difficult part as now because it all depends on the way of the menu you are about to use. Also, a lot depends on your website i.e., if it’s a small or large website. For small websites, most people will prefer a menu with a drop down or a small toggle menu. However, for large websites such as e-commerce ones, you will have to go for a navigation which is known as drawer style.

So, one thing is for sure that solutions differ and today we will cover all styles and their solutions for your convenience and these solutions will be found in jQuery plugins. Below are 15 Responsive jQuery Navigation Plugins.

You May Like : 15 Tabs Navigation Tutorials with jQuery & CSS

jQuery Sidr


Sidr is a plugin that is user-friendly and will accomplish the task of creating a responsive side menu just like Facebook. It will help you in creating menus on both side of your page, so use it according to your convenience.

Navgoco: Multilevel Slide Menu


Are you tired of unordered list of links? Well, Navgoco is indeed a perfect solution for you as it will turn those lists into vertical and beautiful multi-level side navigation.

Responsive Menus Flexnav


FlexNav is basically used to create a robust drop-down menu. It is also the chief example for jQuery and of course media queries that are being used in mobiles. It supports touch as well as keyboard.

Smart Menus jQuery


I consider this plugin to be a great one as it has a lot of features. It will allow you to create both vertical and horizontal responsive list based menus. The good news is that it will work on almost any device.

jQuery Menu-Aim


this plugin is basically for drop-down menus. This will help your system in detecting it a user is hovering over an item in a dropdown list or is finding a way into contents of a submenu. Menu-aim plugin determines the directions of the users and act accordingly.

Side Toggle Menu

Side Toggle Menu

If you want to add sideways menu bar within your layout, Side Toggle menu is the best option for you. It works two ways; moving over the page or by overlapping the page.

jQuery slimMenu

jQuery slimMenu

It is basically a lightweight jQuery plugin and helps users’ in creating navigation menus on multiple levels.



This is my personal favorite as I love animated style menu and that too when they are paneled and this is exactly what jPanelMenu is all about. I am sure you are aware of such menus; they are seen all over Mobile Facebook and Twitter. As far as transitions are concerned, they are controlled by CSS and you get to witness flawless transitions.

Responsive Flaunt.js


If you are looking to build a nested navigation out of the box which should be responsive as well, Flaunt.js is the best option for you.

Naver Responsive Navigation


This is one of the best plugins if you are looking to turn a simple navigation into a mobile version that is user friendly. It works automatically so less effort.



It is extremely a lightweight plugin i.e., 368 bytes that will help you in converting <ul> and <ol> menus. These will convert the menus into dropdown that offers selection as well.


If your browser is at mobile width, this tiny plugin will convert the site’s navigations into a mobile one.



This is an interesting plugin because it spans a parallel navigation appropriate for the entire width of its container and also provides an option to the user i.e., if the user wants to go for a responsive version or not.



You can create amazingly slick and sleek sliding menus and that too with using a single stroke of JavaScript and it is following:


It is as simple as that. This single line makes things smooth and convenient for you.



This media query will help you in converting a simple menu into a mobile responsive one. It is basically a lightweight JS, which can convert a simple menu into a mobile one.





일만 알고 휴식을 모르는 사람은
브레이크 없는 자동차와 같이 위험하기 짝이 없다.
그러나 쉴 줄만 알고 일할 줄 모르는 사람은
모터 없는 자동차와 마찬가지로 아무 쓸모가 없다.
- 헨리 포드


‘근로는 매일을 풍부하게 하며, 휴식은 피곤한 나날을 더욱 값있게 합니다.
근로 뒤의 휴식은 높은 환희 속에 감사를 불러일으킵니다.' (샤를 보들레르)
배터리가 다 소진되고 마는 시점까지 기다려서는 안됩니다.
휴식은 결코 게으름도, 멈춤도 아닙니다.
더 멀리 뛰기 위한 움츠림과 다름없습니다.


그의 삶은 얼마나 재미있을까?
그가 부러웠다. 내가 그처럼 자유롭게
무언가를 진심으로 즐긴 것이 언제였던가?
그는 정말로 삶을 즐기는 것 같았다.
그가 발산하는 에너지가 마치 자석처럼
주변 사람들을 끌어당기는 모습이
내 마음을 움직였다.

- 스티븐 런딘의《한 걸음만 더》중에서 -

* '그'를 부러워 할 것이 없습니다.
당신이 '그'보다 더 자유롭게, 더 삶을 즐기면서,
더 큰 에너지로 많은 사람을 끌어당기며 살면 됩니다.
삶은 오직 한 번 밖에 주어지지 않습니다.
그 소중한 삶을 정말로 즐기며 살아야
흐르는 시간들이 아깝지 않습니다.



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40+ Beautiful Flat Web Designs for Your Inspiration



For the last couple of months, flat web design has been really a huge topic on the web. Up to now, it is steadily dominating the web. From UI, to the latest portfolio update, icons and even the top web design blogs are now using flat web design, not to mention Microsoft, Android and just recently Apple is going flat too!

So why are so many designers using this style?

Flat design makes things free from distractions, eliminating heavy background images, swirls, grunge that makes everything cluttered. It’s very easy to navigate, since there are no more gradients, drop shadows, glows and bevels. It puts more focus on the text, making everything readable from big screens down to mobile.

Oh, and besides if you want something more than inspiration we have nice flat countdown timer video tutorial created specially for You!

Okay, enough talking. Time to check our collection of flat web design for your inspiration!



40+ Beautiful Flat Web Designs for Your Inspiration


40+ Beautiful Flat Web Designs for Your Inspiration


















Winds Phone









Adam Rudzki




Evan Richards


Daniel Pertrarolo




Mint Themes


Redbull Studios


Tree House

Square Space

Chilicon Graphic




Why Does Angular.js Rock?








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11 Javascript ToolKit For Creating Charts and Graphs




This article is basically your guide to the most popular and an effective JavaScript toolkit for creating charts and graphs. We will give you an overview of what these toolkits can actually do for you. If you are a developer, I am sure you have find yourself repeating some old cold again and again. If this happens with you more than often, toolkits are absolutely perfect for you. This article is basically intended to help JavaScript developers so that they can make their work a lot simpler.

These toolkits will definitely simplify your work when it comes to development and that too in a lot of ways. These toolkits are also known as frameworks and some call them libraries however, name doesn’t really matter. The best part is that they are meant to ease the tasks of a developer and make things productive. Let us now take a look at the JavaScript Toolkit for creating charts and graphs.

FusionCharts Suite XT – JavaScript Charts for the Grown-ups

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FusionCharts Suite XT gives you delightful JavaScript charts that work across devices and platforms. It’s the most comprehensive solution out there with 90+ chart types, complete with interactive features like tool-tips, drill-down, zoom, scroll, and more. It comes with comprehensive docs, and readymade demos, allowing you to create your first chart in under 15 minutes.


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Aristochart is definitely one of the best toolkits available for creating charts and graphics. The best thing is that is can be customized and is very flexible line charting library. Your focus can remain on aesthetic and Aristochart can take care of the backend data. It also offers a wide range of themes for your selection.

Morris.Js – Pretty Time-Series Line Graphs

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Morris.js is one of the most effective JavaScript toolkits. It is basically a library that controls the graphs. Morris.js is a simple API and it is for drawling line, bar, area and of course donut charts. You will find how convenient this is after using it.

JKit : JQuery Based UI Toolkit

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JKit, is definitely an easy to use toolkit. It is a cross platform and jQuery based toolkit. Although its small in size but will offer you all the needed features. It makes life simple and removes complications from the development process.

D3.Js – JQuery 3D Plugin

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if you are looking to manipulate documents according to data, D3.js JavaScript’s library is the best option for you. It will help you in bringing your data to life with the help of HTML, SVG and CSS. The best thing is that it does not tie you to proprietary framework.

Rickshaw – JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive time series graphs

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if you are looking to create interactive graphs, Rickshaw will provide you with all the needed elements. Since it is all based on d3 underneath, you will be able to draw graphs with SVG and styles with CSS. You can also customize your own techniques and the best thing is that it is free and open source.

sDashboard – Simple & light weight Dashboard framework in jQuery

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sDashboard is basically a jQuery plugin and it converts assorted objects into a dashboard. Every object that has been converted will be rendered as a widget and a developer can drag it. This plug-in has built in support for interpreting datatable’s and flotr3 charts. It also offers a lot of other features that can simplify your life.

Highcharts – Interactive JavaScript charts for your webpage

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This is basically a charting library and is written totally in pure JavaScript. This will offer you interactive charts for your website. Highcharts supports most of the chart types and it includes line, spline, column, bar and a lot more.

jqPlot – A Versatile and Expandable jQuery Plotting Plugin

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jqPlot is basically a charting plugin and it creates some beautiful pie, line and bar charts. It has a lot of features and offers wide variety of chart styles, offers customizable formatting and a lot more. It has been tested on all famous browsers such IE 7 and onwards, Firefox, safari and Opera.

jQuery Spidergraph Plugin – Dynamic, interactive spidergraphs in HTML5

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Looking to create spidergraphs in HTML5? Well, your search ends with jQuery Spidergraph. This is basically a plain and easy to use module and it helps developers in creating goodlooking and attractive spidergraphs. Other features includes, illustrating scaled quantitative data for several subjective attributes and overlaying multiple data.

Dygraphs JavaScript Visualization Library

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Producing interactive, zoomable charts is not an easy task. However, dygraphs can definitely help you in doing this. It is basically an open source JavaScript library that proves to be benficial. It is basically designed to display slid data and users can obviously explore the data in order to interpret it.


DEMO || Download

I have always believed that charts are a great way to present data in a less complicated way. Creating a professional admin panle won’t be easy without charts. Also, setting them up is a tricky job, isn’t it? However, libraries such as xCharts are making lives a lot easier. You can use it for building some pretty AJAX-powered charts so what are you waiting for? Go ahead, explore it and live a simple, less complicated life.


그 수용소에는 출입구가 두 개 있었다.
하나는 사람들이 사라져가는 '하늘 가는 길'이었고
하나는 나치 친위대들이 사용하는 정식 출입구였다.
하루를 그렇게 보내고 나면 밤이 오곤 했다. 내가
의지할 건 내게 계속 말을 거는 방법뿐이었다.
나는 반드시 살아야 한다. 내가 사랑한
사람들을 위해 살아야 한다.

- 마르틴 그레이의《살아야 한다 나는 살아야 한다》중에서 -

* 문은 두 개가 있으나
어느 쪽도 갈 수 없는 절망의 문!
사방이 막혀 내가 갈 길이 없을 때가 있습니다.
그러나, 오로지 죽음만이 기다리는 그 절망의 문 앞에서도
희망을 잃지 말아야 합니다. 내가 사랑하는 사람을 위해서라도
최선을 다해 살아야 합니다. 목숨 걸고 살아야 합니다.
그러면 언젠가는 반드시 제3의 문이 열립니다.
죽음의 문도, 절망의 문도 아닌 희망의 문!


잘못하고 있는 순간을 잡아내면
사람들은 방어적이 되고 변명하고 회피한다.
반면에 사람들이 잘하고 있는 순간을 포착하면
긍정적인 면이 강화된다.
이는 사람들의 잠재력을 강화하고 더 잘하고 싶다는 마음이 들게 한다.
일이 잘 돌아가고 있는 순간을 포착하는 것을 하루 일과로 삼아라.
- 존 맥스웰


부정적인 것에 초점을 맞추고
사람들이 잘못하고 있는 순간을 잡아내는 것은
그들을 개선시키는데 전혀 도움이 되지 않습니다.
만족스러운 결과를 가져오는 행동은 더욱 강해지고
불만족스러운 결과를 가져오는 행동은 더욱 약해지는 효과를
‘손다이크 효과’라 합니다.
마음만 먹으면 무궁무진하게 널려 있는 칭찬거리를 발견할 수 있습니다.



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