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국민 대부분이 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(COVID-19‧코로나19) 항체를 보유한 것으로 나타났다.
질병관리청 국립보건연구원과 한국역학회, 지역사회 관계기관이 함께 진행한 ‘지역사회 기반 대표 표본 코로나19 항체양성률 3차 조사’ 결과가 9일 발표됐다. 3월 27일에서 4월 15일까지 전국 17개 시·도 5세 이상 주민 9798명을 대상으로 코로나19 항체검사와 설문조사를 수행한 결과다.
조사 결과, 자연감염과 백신면역을 모두 포함한 항체양성률은 99.2%였다. 지난 2차 조사 결과인 98.6%와 유사한 수준이었다.
백신면역보다는 자연감염에 의한 항체양성률이 높았다. 코로나19 감염으로 항체가 생긴 자연감염 항체양성률은 78.6%로, 2차 조사 결과(70%)보다 8.6%포인트(p) 증가했다. 특히 고령층에서 큰 증가폭을 보였다. 50~64세는 10.2%p, 65세 이상은 11.3%p 증가했다.
자연감염 항체양성률이 가장 높은 연령은 5~9세 소아(94.1%)였다. 이 연령대는 백신 접종률이 가장 낮다. 연령이 높아질수록 자연감염 항체양성률은 낮아져, 65세 이상은 68.8%를 보였다.
단, 백신 면역군과 복합 면역군(백신면역+자연감염) 모두 시간이 흐르면서 코로나19에 대한 항체가(항체 정도)가 감소하는 추세를 보였다.
백신 미접종자는 접종자보다 재감염 위험이 높았다. 백신 접종과 재감염 관계를 연령표준화로 분석한 결과, 백신 미접종자는 단가백신 접종자보다 2.02배, 2가백신 접종자보다 3.1배 재감염 위험이 높았다.
질병관리청은 “백신 접종자와 감염자도 시간이 경과하면 지역 내 재감염 위험이 증가한다”며 “백신 미접종자가 상대적으로 감염 위험이 높다는 것을 확인했다”고 말했다.
이어 “복합면역군의 면역은 백신 면역군, 백신 미접종 자연감염군보다 오래 유지된다”며 “하지만 시간이 흐르면 모든 집단에서 면역 감소가 일어나기 때문에 중증화 예방을 위해 고령층은 하반기 백신 추가 접종이 필요하다”고 덧붙였다.
Developers often find it difficult to choose betweenFluttervsReact Native. Both have been created by the current tech giants of the world,FacebookandGoogle.
But the question of what to use to create these apps has been around for a while.
is an open-source UI framework developed by Google in 2017 that aims to design cross-platform apps to run on mobile, Windows, macOS, and Linux as well as on the web. Flutter’s framework is built upon Dart. A lot of big companies like Alibaba, Philips Hue, Hamilton, etc., choose Flutter for development. Moreover, Google frequently provides updates for Flutter, improving its performance with each update.
Advantages of using Flutter
Great UI
Has a number of widgets
Apps are faster
Helps build web apps
Well-structured documentation and community
Helps replicate and create the same UI for different devices
Disadvantages of Flutter
Not native
Apps are larger
Has a limited set of tools
React Native
Facebook developed React Native in 2015. It is an open-source framework that is based on JavaScript. It also provides a similar feature, using the same codebase to create cross-platform apps, thus eliminating the need to compile other technologies for creating mobile apps. Skype, Instagram, Uber Eats, etc., depends upon React Native for development.
Advantages of using React Native
Uses JavaScript
Can create apps for multiple platforms using a single codebase
Understands the importance of code reusability and promotes it
Growing and active community
Helps in accelerating coding time
Disadvantages of using React Native
Not native
Does not provide innovative, out-of-the-box components
Limited choices
Abandoned libraries and packages
UI can be hampered easily and needs to undergo vigorousUI testing
Larger apps
Differences between Flutter vs React Native
React Native and Flutter are amazing choices for developing a cross-platform application, however, they share several differences which make them unique from each other.
One major difference is the programming languages both frameworks use. React Native is based on JavaScript and uses JSX. However, Flutter uses Dart programming language.
The architecture for both frameworks differs. Flutter uses a 2D graphic rendering library, Skia, whereas, React Native uses the Flux architecture, which also requires JavaScript bridging. Here, JavaScript bridging is necessary for React Native to allow JavaScript and Native code to interact with each other. However, there is no programming bridge in Flutter.
FlutterandReact Nativedocumentation guides are very good. However, Flutter shares more organized and structured documentation. React Native documentation is poorly maintained because it depends heavily on third-party libraries.
Installing Flutter requires you to download the binary from GitHub and also to set up the environment variables on your system. On the other hand, React Native is installed using node package manager (NPM) with one command on your terminal.
Flutter relies on its developed widgets for customization, whereas React Native incorporates third-party customization components. Therefore, flutter offers more compatibility. Moreover, Flutter development is solely constructed upon Widgets, whereas React Native uses JSX.
React Native has better support for 3D, whereas, Flutter does not support 3D.
Conclusion :
This blog explains the reasons behind the great popularity of the two emerging frameworks Flutter and React Native, for creating cross-platform applications. Flutter and Native solve the issue of creating separate code for native platforms like Android and iOS. Now, you can create an application for all the platforms using entirely the same code.
Moreover, picking the best framework for yourself depends upon your experience, requirements, and the business needs of your project. If you’re already aware of the JavaScript programming language, then there’s no doubt that React Native is a good choice. However, if you’re targeting a highly stable and fast performance, Flutter has several advantages over React Native.