
개인정보보호법이 제정 시행된 지 어느덧 1년이 지났다. 그리고 지난 8월 18일부터 정보통신 이용촉진 및 정보보호 등에 관한 법률이 개정돼 현재 시행되고 있다. 하지만 그 법이 얼마나 잘 지켜지고 있는지는 의문이다. 이제 정보보호는 기술적 측면 뿐 아니라 법과 제도적인 측면까지 고려해야 할 것들이 생겨났고, 법에서 요구하는 최소한의 수준까지 무조건 지켜야 하는 일종의 규범으로 인식되고 있다. 이에 정보보호를 둘러싼 법과 정책적 이슈는 무엇이고 특히 IT 업계가 주목해야 할 정보보호의 의미는 무엇인지 짚어본다.


<그림 3> 개인정보보호 종합지원 포털(www.privacy.go.kr)에서는 관련 정보 외에도 개인정보 침해 및 유출신고를 할 수 있다. 또한 정보통신망법 대상자는 www. privacy.kr을 권장한다.


HTML5 게임 - http://cocos2d-javascript.org/

제일 중요한 것은
결혼하는 이 순간부터
덕 보겠다는 생각을 버려야 합니다.
내가 아내에게, 내가 남편에게 무엇을
해줄 수 있을까, 저 분이 나하고 살면서,
그래도 내 덕 좀 봤다는 생각이 들도록
해줘야지 되지 않느냐, 이렇게만
생각하면 사는 데 아무
지장이 없습니다.

- 정호승의《내 인생에 힘이 되어준 한마디》중에서 -

* 결혼생활에만 국한된 이야기가 아닙니다.
내가 누군가로부터 덕을 좀 보겠다는 생각을 하면
구차해지기 쉽습니다. 내가 먼저 베풀겠다는
생각을 하면 편안하고 너그러워집니다.
내가 있음으로 많은 사람들이 덕을
본다면, 나의 삶은 이미 이타적인
경지에 오른 것입니다.
그것이 행복입니다.


'생활의 발견 > 아침편지' 카테고리의 다른 글

'나의 이야기'를 쓰라  (0) 2012.10.19
작은 성공이 큰 성공을 부른다  (0) 2012.10.18
나도 자라고 너도 크고...  (0) 2012.10.16
추억의 기차역  (0) 2012.10.15
이 계절은 누구의 것입니까  (0) 2012.10.13
흔히 행운의 여신은 눈이 멀었다고 불평하지만,
인간만큼 눈이 멀지는 않았다. 실생활을 자세히 살펴보면,
바람과 파도가 유능한 항해사의 편이듯
행운의 여신은 언제나 근면한 사람 곁에 있다.
-새뮤얼 스마일스

게리 플레이어는 ‘연습을 많이 할수록
더욱 운 좋은 사람이 된다’고 말했습니다.
초현실주의 화가 달리 역시
‘결론을 이끌어낼 수 있는 마음의 준비가 된 사람,
가장 끈질기게 그 주제에 대해
매달릴 수 있는 사람에게만 행운이 의미를 지닌다.’고
끈기와 근면의 중요성을 강조한 바 있습니다.

3시에 한번 깼다가 5시 40분에 출발
체조 못하고 입수.
뭔가 알수없는 워밍업.
자유형킥에 자/평/배영 스트로크 4
또 배영 3
배영 발차기 3
이번달은 배영 강조달인가?
평영 3
자유형 3
스타트 접영 10?
마무리 자유형 5

쉽지 않다.

기초체력 올려야한다.

'운동일지 > 수영' 카테고리의 다른 글

2012.10.23 수영일지  (0) 2012.10.23
2012.10.18 수영일지  (0) 2012.10.18
2012.10.16 수영일지  (0) 2012.10.16
2012.10.13 수영일지  (0) 2012.10.13
2012.10.11 수영일지  (0) 2012.10.11

30+ High Performing HTML5 Templates for Web Design


HTML5 templates have become very popular and for a good reason. HTML5 is still a work in process standard, but it has brought a lot of new features to the table. Recent versions of the major browsers support many of them already, and they continue to add new features.

The new tags available in HTML5 includes the <canvas> element for 2D drawing, the <video> and <audio> elements for media playback, the new content-specific elements, like <article>, <footer>, <header>, <nav>, <section> and new form controls, like calendar, date, time, email, url, search. In addition, the arrival of CSS3 adds even more power in the hands of web designers.

The benefits of HTML5 are many and new tags will help web designers build stunning future proof websites without need for proprietary plugins like e.g. Flash.

In this article I share with you high quality HTML5 templates to provide inspiration and insights about HTML5 based web design. Hopefully, this collection will help in creating your own HTML5 powered website.

SmartStart – Responsive HTML5 Template – MORE INFO


This is a professional theme with a clean and simple attitude. It is designed for portfolio or business websites. SmartStart has been crafted with the latest CSS3 and HTML5 techniques. It will easily adjust to any browsing device, including mobile phones and tablets, because of its responsive feature. You can also get this template in the WordPress version.

Perspective – Responsive HTML5 Template – MORE INFO


Perspective is a template that is ideal for all kinds of business websites. It is packed with plenty of HTML shortcodes and jQuery plugins like accordion, sliders and tabs. The design is responsive, and it can be edited easily.

Agora HTML5 Template – MORE INFO


This is a nice HTML5 template that is ideal for showcasing fashion, studios and creative. It can be customized easily with 13 pages and powerful full screen gallery that can showcase big sized works on the homepage directly. The customization process can be enhanced by the Serif and Sans Serif styles that are included with the template. In addition, the themes is mobile friendly.

VividPhoto HTML5 and CSS3 Template (free) – MORE INFO


VividPhoto is a stunning photography HTML5 and CSS3 template that is designed to showcase a portfolio of images.

Vega HTML5 Responsive Template – MÒRE INFO


Vega is a HTML5 template that is dynamic, stylish and creative. It is easy to customize and user friendly. Vega is a great way of showcasing your media.

Popular – Responsive HTML5 Theme – MORE INFO


This template was designed with HTML5 and CSS3, and has a corporate and agency appearance. It’s fully responsive feature is created with Bootstrap.

Royale’ Creative HTML5 Template – MORE INFO


This is a creative template that can enhance your video or photography showcase. The complete page template set will provide the possibility to showcase your work and brand in a professional and refined manner.

Minimalism HTML5 and CSS3 Template (free) – MORE INFO


Minimalism is an HTML5 and CSS3 template that is minimal and beautiful in its simplicity. Combines multiple-column groupings and newspaper style column.

Harmony – Multipurpose HTML5 Template – MORE INFO


Harmony is packed with easy to use and built in features that will make user experience an exciting, pleasant and intuitive one. The package includes 4 Home page sliders , 16 color schemes, a working contact form with validation and more. IT is not responsive though.

Chromatron HTML5 Admin Backend – MORE INFO


This is a professional and simple HTML5 template that can be used for both desktop and mobile devices. Chromatron has a lot of features and build in jQuery. There are 4 default colors available, each packed with popular and basic user interface widgets.

Folder (free) – MORE INFO


Folder is a free HTML5 portfolio theme with responsive design.

Neutron – HTML5 Templat – MORE INFO


This HTML5 template is modern and clean. It is great for any portfolio or business website. It has jQuery features available and 12 page templates.

Retro – HTML5 Template – MORE INFO


This is a modern and clean template that is best suited for business or portfolio websites. Easy and fast to set up, Retro also has a WordPress version.

NeoArts (free) – MORE INFO


NeoArts is a modern and elegant web template designed for Design/Studio websites. All-in-One page with an animated theme.

Qreator – Corporate HTML5 template – MORE INFO


Almost anything can be changed in this template. You can make your own creative design and set up color for all site elements using CSS. It includes 5 preset Home page layouts, Google webfont directory support (320+ Fonts) and more.

Limitless – Multipurpose HTML5 Template – MORE INFO


Limitless HTML5 template is packed full of user friendly features and plenty of PSD and HTML files. Limitless was designed with SEO in mind.

Responsive Brownie (Free) Html5 Template – MORE INFO


An awesome free, responsive HTML5 template aimed at businesses and portfolios.

Simplex – Responsive HTML5 Template – MORE INFO


Clean, responsive and simple would be the perfect words to describe Simplex HTML5 template. Simplex has been designed with mobile devices in consideration and is well suited for studios and digital agencies. The template will adjust its size automatically on different devices, ensuring a nice experience for every visitor.

Projection – Responsive HTML5 Template – MORE INFO


This template is entirely responsive and designed with an elegant and minimal look. The package includes CSS3 and HTML5 codes.

Manifest – Premium HTML5 Template – MORE INFO


Manifest is a HTML5 template that is very flexible and clean. It has a minimalist and modern design that is ideal for galleries, creative blogs, portfolios and other types of websites. The package includes 6 predefined skins to customize your website easily.

Muro (free) HTML5 Template – MORE INFO


Muro is a brilliantly designed web template that comes with 3 different skins, 7 page layouts as well as jQuery functionality.

Energetic – Responsive HTML5 Template – MORE INFO


This is a professional and clean template that is ideal for portfolio, business and hosting websites. It has a responsive design that was created with HTML5 and CSS3, making it compatible with all kinds of devices including iPhone, iPad and Androids.

White Noise – HTML5 Template – MORE INFO


This template is easy to customize and full of features. Show off your work with this easy-to-customize and fully featured Site Template.

Basix – Premium HTML5 Template – MORE INFO


This theme is easy to customize and use. Basix is a minimal HTML 5 template that is full of features like unlimited colors, jQuery, 960 grid system and working contact form. The portfolio section is filtered using Isotope. In addition, this theme is also well documented, with a lot of shortcodes and features for creating your own pages.

Moderna Responsive HTML5 Template – MORE INFO


A clean and responsive HTML5 template. Moderna is ideal for both creative personal portfolio and professional business websites. The theme has two skins, which are stretched and boxed. The boxed version has 15 patterns so that you can have unlimited options in managing and organizing your contents.

LEFT HTML5 Theme (free) – MORE INFO


LEFT web template is designed in HTML5 and offers more than 6 page layouts with a unique skin system.

Weiss – Responsive HTML5 Template – MORE INFO


If you are looking for a responsive and clean theme that is suitable for a wide variety of uses, Weiss HTML5 template would be a great choice.

Canopus – Responsive HTML5 Template – MORE INFO


This is a responsive HTML5 template that is ideal for business and portfolio websites. It was created using the best web design practices such as Microformats. Canopus is ideal for iPhone, iPad and other mobile devices.

Oreva Business HTML5 Template – MORE INFO


Oreva is very minimal and clean HTML5 business template that can be used for all kinds of personal and business websites. The template has 2 color variations that can fulfill all the requirements of modern web development.

Impromptu – Responsive HTML5 Template – MORE INFO


Classy and responsive, Impromptu HTML5 template is perfect for portfolio blog or business websites.

Magazine HTML5 Responsive Template – MORE INFO


This minimalist and clean HTML5 template was created for WordPress. It is ideal for blogs, magazine, personal and news websites.

Responsy – Responsive HTML5 Portfolio – MORE INFO


This responsive HTML5 template is most suited for creative agency and portfolio websites. The solid responsive layout is flexible and can scale down from 1170 pixels to 320 pixels.

Mustach – Responsive Html5 Theme – MORE INFO


Simple yet packed with a lot of options, Mustach can be used for personal portfolio and small business sites. The template comes with a clean and neat code, making it easy to understand when making variations in the template.


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