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10시 입수 

30바퀴  3km  돌았다.

도착시간  11시 11분.

39바퀴를 돌려면... 1시간 30분안에 가능할까?

중간에 수경에 들어간 물 빼느라 2번 섰고. 귀마개가 들려서 한번 섰다.

겨드랑이가 쓸렸다.


2012년 고양시 철인3종 연맹/연합회장기배 장거리 수영대회 안내

○ 시상안내

    - 초/중/고 및 연령대별 1.5km/3.9km, 남/여 1ㆍ2ㆍ3위 시상 (메달 및 상장)

    - 소속팀 종합점수 환산 후 종합우승 1ㆍ2ㆍ3위 시상 (트로피 및 상장)

    - 남/여 MVP 시상 (트로피 3.9km)

    ※ 종합점수는 팀별 참석인원, 성적 등을 환산하여 결정합니다.

○ 완주메달 지급(완주자)

○ 참가비 : 20,000원

○ 참가비 납부 계좌 : 국민은행 233-21-0032-811 원용조

○ 릴레이는 참가팀이 3팀 이상일 경우만 진행

   - 800M를 4명의 주자가 200M씩 릴레이

   - 종합우승 점수 반영

○ 점심 시간은 별도로 없이 진행되며, 간식으로 (빵, 우유 등)이 제공됨


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Why Web Icon Fonts are brilliant


Posted Friday 14th Dec 2012 by Rob Bavington 1 Comment

My brother James and I have been chatting a lot over the past week about how amazing Icon Web Fonts are, so I’ve put together a little video blog to show the key benefits. If you’re unfamiliar with Icon Fonts, they’re not too dissimilar from Wingdings. They’re useful, lightweight, modern typefaces that are perfect for displaying icons on your website without the baggage that often comes with using images.

Now we’ll talk about these specific Icon Fonts in a moment, but typefaces like Font Awesome, which is free, or Fico carry huge benefits to designers – which is probably why they’ve been so popular with web designers in 2012.

You can think of Icon Fonts as any normal font or web-font. As a designer you can easily adjust the size, colour and even add shadows with CSS. Icon Fonts work in almost all browsers including IE6, which means you get transparency without messing around with any ugly hacks. Most importantly, a lightweight or hand-picked Web Icon Font will load quicker in the browser that it’s image counterpart which will help with your page-speed optimization.

Web Icon Fonts have been huge in 2012

James and I think there’s 3 simple, key reasons why Icon Web Fonts are so popular in 2012:

  1. The icons are simply pretty cool and modern
  2. Responsive web design
  3. Retina displays.

So with Responsive web-design, there’s a good chance that you might want to increase or decrease an icon’s size, particularly if you’re using it within a button. Just like text, you can use media queries to simply change the type size without needing to reference a different image file. And unlike raster, pixel based images – Icon Fonts are vector so they look crisp at any resolution.

If you haven’t already, we’d recommending heading over to some of the many Icon Fonts available online. Like we mentioned earlier, Font Awesome is a great starting point as their current free set includes over 200 icons and can be installed and used on your website within minutes.

There’s also plenty of premium paid Icon Fonts and also great tools like Fontello where you can create your very own hand-picked, lightweight hybrid Icon Font by combining the best of the free Icon Fonts available.

So, wrapping up – we’re pretty confident that Icon Fonts are going to continue in popularity in 2013. It wouldn’t surprise us if the Google Web Font archive dons a set or two in the near future.

Example results when using Font Awesome, as shown on their web page.

Example results when using Font Awesome, as shown on their web page.

Web Icon Fonts & SEO

Also, don’t worry about the potential SEO headache of having random single letters hanging around your HTML markup. Icon Font Packs, like Font Awesome for example, have been set-up so that you can render with empty italic tags.

If you refer to the embedded image opposite, and the HTML markup below, you can see how the empty italics tags are used with a class to render icons in a similar fashion to how we might use span tags.

<ul class="nav nav-list">
    <li class="active"><a href="#"> Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="#"> Library</a></li>
    <li><a href="#"> Applications</a></li>
    <li><a href="#"> Settings</a></li>

Thanks for watching this week, check out our supporting post for more resources and live examples of Icon Fonts in action from around the web.

한 가지 사실은
분명히 깨달았다.
아주 작고 사소하고
의미없어 보이는 에피소드라도
그것이 어떤 결과로 이어질지 아무도 모른다는 것을.

- 비프케 로렌츠의《당신의 과거를 지워드립니다》중에서 -

* 정말 그래요.
지금 하고 있는 그 일,
사소하고, 의미없어 보이는 그 일,
그것이 어떤 결과로 이어질지는 누구도 모릅니다.
그러니 괜찮습니다. 그대가 하는 그 일이 싹이 트도록
물을 주고, 잘 자라도록 계속 꿈꾸며 걸어가십시오.
그대에게 의미있는 일이라면 중도에
힘들다고 주저앉지 말고
계속 꿈을 꾸세요.   


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Modern UI components for the modern web


UIKit is a small collection of flexible, decoupled jQuery JavaScript components for the modern web. With an emphasis on structure-only styling it's easy to style UIKit to match your application, no preprocessor variables, just raw CSS structure! As a result most of the styling you see in this document is for demonstration only.


그에게 있어 한 사람의 벗은 한 쌍의 귀를 의미한다. - F. 모리아크 -


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